54 research outputs found

    A Strategic Approach to Enhancing Sustainable Practices in Public Building Projects :a Case Study of Indonesian Local Authorities

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    In the last few decades, there has been well documented evidence that the performance of the public building projects in local authorities in Indonesia does not fully meet the expectation of the stakeholders involved and demonstrates sustainable practices. This mediocre performance impacts on the competitiveness of building industry, and therefore would require the development of a strategic approach to address these fundamental structural and cultural issues. The strategic approach, which facilitates sustainable practices, to a large extent, depends on the local priorities, goals and success criteria, which are dynamic and influenced by the expectations of various stakeholders involved in the procurement of public buildings. This research aims to develop a conceptual framework that will help local authorities to enhance sustainable practices of public building management. The empirical research work adopted case study strategy involving interviews with 24 public building practitioners and investigation of building defects on 34 projects. This research proposes LACU model, which represents a triangular relationship between contractors, local authorities and building end-users to illustrate the interactions between parties when undertaking their tasks throughout the project lifecycle. A framework of Sustainable-Dynamic Capabilities was developed and applied to enhance understanding of sustainability provisions in public building development. Based on this framework and stakeholders’ mapping illustrated by LACU model, this research has enhanced understanding on strategies of local authority to implement sustainable practices on public building projects. A template analysis through interview transcripts has been adopted to identify strategic approaches of local authority to deliver successful project by determining the roles of stakeholder at three different levels, provincial, regency or city and special authority. This research provides a novel empirically-based guidance for the local authorities to undertake sustainable public building procurement throughout project life cycle by adopting strategic approaches, such as employing innovative construction method, appropriate policy intervention by local leader, and changing business orientation

    Masculinity in Indonesian Popular Culture in the Early Era of the New Order Regime

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    This study aimed to identify the forms of masculinity in the Indonesian popular culture in the beginning of New Order regime. This study was based on the two novels: Cross Mama and Kekasih-Kekasih Gelap, written by Motinggo Busye. The analysis used new historicism theory proposed by Stephen Greenblatt. The analysis also considered various cultural contexts emerged in 1970s. The results show three shared trends in the novels. The first trend shows that the masculinity tends to be represented by both men worshiping patriarchal values such as the myth of woman's virginity and men perceiving woman as a sexual object. The second trend shows that masculinity is stereotyped based on masculinity, power, and male dominance. The third trend shows that masculinity relates to various products of mass culture at the time. This last trend shows that in that era,the ideal male figure is represented as the one who: (1) is sexually active with many women, (2) has a muscular body, (3) has a handsome look, and (4) has a financial capability. Besides the shared three trends, the result also shows that the texts in the novels do not only reflect the cultural situations in the 60's and 70's but also contribute in shaping the social values of the cultural situations


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    Indonesia as the second largest contributor in global were produced about 9.52 million tons plastic or 14% of the total waste. The rapid population growth of urban area in Indonesia indirectly encourages various activities that affect the volume of waste. Semarang city were contributing waste in landfills reaches 850,000 tons per day, where 1,000 tons unmanageable. Unsorted garbage has the potential as new materials option in cultural heritage buildings. To elaborate these potential options, this research has been conducted qualitative method as the best approach to answer the research question. This research investigates the stakeholders’ perspectives about potential of plastic waste for replacement material of heritage buildings. The results show that there is a lack of data on waste management which is one of the challenges to find out how much volume of plastic waste can be reused. In addition, the principle of building cultural heritage is opposed to the use of plastic waste as an alternative material as a substitute element. In conclusion, plastic waste has a little potential from current waste to be applied on heritage buildings are limited element such as roof, furniture or temporary support of the structural element

    Model of Indonesian Traditional Market Revitalisation: Case Study of Five Metropolitan Cities in Java Island

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    The existence of Indonesian traditional market in the post reform order has a lesson learn of survival community. Traditional market represents a micro-economy, which ontribute the national economy stability during the crisis. Most of traditional market in Java island is influenced by ancient Mataram Kingdom as figure out on the relief of Borobudur Temple. Mechanism of transaction in traditional market, such as bargaining process and selling culture has a distinctive local wisdom of Indonesia. The revitalisation of public market in Indonesia has a mediocre performance in general. Most of revitalisation projects among traditional market did not given a strategic bargaining position of previous market vendors to involve for market development process. This research focuses on modelling the revitalisation of traditional market in Indonesian context. A case study in five metropolitan cities was adopted. The findings underline that the pattern of Indonesian Traditional market in each metropolitan city on Java Island revealed that transportation access, distinctive local food and sociology aspect influencing the revitalisation process. This research suggests the model of Indonesian traditional market revitalisation to encourage the local authorities in sustainable community. The proposed model has a strategic issue, in terms of public building policy and capacity building of local authority

    Mediasi dalam penyelesaian konflik masyarakat studi kasus di Desa Plesungan Kecamatan Kapas Kabupaten Bojonegoro

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    Mediasi sebagai salah satu bentuk mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa bukanlah hal yang asing bagi masyarakat dengan berbagai nilai lokalnya, karena penyelesaian sengketa itu merupakan bagian dari norma sosial. Masyarakat desa Plesungan Kecamatan Kapas Kabupaten Bojonegoro lebih memilih menyelesaikan sengketa melalui proses mediasi non-litigasi, khususnya pada penyelesaian permasalahan keluarga dan sengketa tanah. Fokus penelitan ini adalah pada praktek mediasi masalah keluarga dan sengketa masyarakat di Desa Plesungan Kecamatan Kapas Kabupaten Bojonegoro dengan pertanyaan penelitian faktor- faktor apa saja yang melatarbelakangi masyarakat Desa Plesungan melakukan upaya penyelesaian perselisihan dengan menggunakan mediasi non-litigasi dengan menjadikan tokoh masyarakat sebagai mediator, serta bagaimana proses mediasi yang dilakukan masyarakat desa Plesungan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang dilakukan di Desa Plesungan sebagai pihak terkait. Untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh peneliti menggunakan teori alternatif penyelesaian sengketa dan teori mediasi menurut Christopher W. Moore. Penggunaan teori alternatif penyelesaian sengketa digunakan untuk memudahkan penulis mengidentifikasi perbedaan mediasi dengan penyelesaian sengeketa lainnya seperti negosiasi, konsultasi, dan konsiliasi. Sedangkan penggunaan teori dari Christopher W. Moore masih sangat relevan digunakan dalam memahami proses mediasi yang berlangsung di dalam masyarakat desa Plesungan Kecamatan Kapas Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat lebih memilih mediasi non-litigasi dari pada litigasi (Pengadilan), faktor- faktor itu adalah adanya anggapan masyarakat bahwa jika perselisihan diselesaikan melalui peradilan maka akan memakan biaya yang cukup besar; Kedua, Proses penyelesaian akan memakan waktu yang lama; Ketiga, Kepercayaan masyarakat bahwa Tokoh masyarakat akan dapat menjawab persoalan masyarakat itu sendiri; serta jarak tempuh yang terlampau jauh untuk sampai di Pengadilan membuat masyarakat lebih memilih menyelesaikan masalah secara mediasi non-litigasi. Adapun proses pelaksanaan penyelesaian permasalahan memiliki keragaman Tokoh Masyarakat di Desa Plesungan yaitu penyelesaian dengan Kepala Desa, penyelesaian dengan tokoh agama, dan penyelesaian dengan tokoh adat. ABSTRACT: Mediation as a form of dispute resolution mechanism is not foreign to the community with its various local values, because dispute resolution is part of social norms. The people of Plesungan Village, Kapas District, Bojonegoro Regency prefer to resolve disputes through a non-litigation mediation process, especially in resolving family problems and land disputes. The focus of this research is on the practice of mediating family problems and community disputes in Plesungan Village, Kapas District, Bojonegoro Regency with a research question on what factors are behind the Plesungan Village community making efforts to resolve disputes using non-litigation mediation by making community leaders as mediators, as well as what is the mediation process carried out by the Plesungan village community. In this study the authors used a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, interviews and documentation methods carried out in Plesungan Village as related parties. To analyze the data obtained by researchers using alternative dispute resolution theory and mediation theory according to Christopher W. Moore. The use of alternative dispute resolution theories is used to make it easier for the authors to identify the differences between mediation and other dispute resolution such as negotiation, consultation, and conciliation. Meanwhile, the use of Christopher W. Moore's theory is still very relevant in understanding the mediation process that takes place in the Plesungan village community, Kapas District, Bojonegoro Regency. The results of this study indicate that there are several factors that influence the public to prefer non-litigation mediation to litigation (court), these factors are the community's perception that if disputes are resolved through the courts it will cost quite a lot; Second, the completion process will take a long time; Third, the community's belief that community leaders will be able to answer the community's own problems; as well as the long distance to reach court, the community prefers to resolve the problem through non-litigation mediation. The process of implementing problem solving has a variety of Community Leaders in Plesungan Village, namely settlement with the Village Head, settlement with religious leaders, and settlement with traditional leaders


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    Transportation infrastructure is an important part of the economic growth and activities pattern in the urban area. Toll road is a priority in transportation development in Indonesia. A number of factors in a transportation project, such geotechnical situation and structural reviews that may effect time performance and decision making in relation to project risks (such as risk seeking, risk adverse, and skills requirements of the employers). It is important that these factors are identified and their impact on project performance is properly understood. This paper reports a research which attempts to model decision making factors based on mixed metodology. Semarang-Solo toll road project as the one of the biggest infrastructure project has many uncertainty natural extreme condition such as extreme slope stability, high embankment, reposisioning drainage, and unpredictable cesar at some station. That situation cause the project managers take the risks to make a decision based on the design and some engineering adjustments at the location. The model decision making factors will be useful for project managers to make decisions under uncertainty of future risks in the toll road project

    Bahasa, Tubuh, Dan Paradigma Patriarki Dalam Humor Kontemporer Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the construction of women in Indonesia humors that appear through the application of whatsapp conversation. This analysis is based on the opinion of Crawford (2003) and Sen (2012) about gender relations, linguistics, and humors. The focus of the study is the use of indeksial meaning and polysemy in constructing a humorous story in women. After the analysis, it was found that humors developing in the application media of whatsapp conversation tended to perpetuate sexist patriarchal values such as portraying women as a highly compliant and passive. In terms of the structure, most of the humors used several techniques of misalignment to cause the value of humor in the reader's mind. Most of the female figures appeared to be in the private or domestic space. In addition, the data show that most of the humors used figurative polysemy, especially in describing sexual activities. In this case, the women were always associated with inanimate objects, such as in describing sexual activities or woman genitals. The indeksial meanings of the language used were always based on the paradigm and the interests of men that are in line with patriarchal values. This eventually led to symbolic violence on women

    Standar Revitalisasi Pasa Tradisional Di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pasar Tradisional Di Kota Semarang)

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    Penurunan minat pengunjung terhadap pasar tradisional menjadi masalah yang harus dihadapi pasar tradisional saat ini. Bentuk upaya pemerintah untuk tetap mempertahankan eksistensi pasar tradisional yaitu dengan melakukan revitalisasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisa perbandingan pasar tradisional zaman dahulu dan sekarang, dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh revitalisasi, standar penataan pasar tradisional, dan penerapan kebijakan di pasar tradisional. Obyek dari penelitian ini yaitu pasar Rasamala, Bulu, dan Peterongan Semarang dengan metode penelitian yaitu kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara kepada dinas pasar, pedagang, pengunjung, dan lurah pasar Rasamala, Bulu, dan Peterongan. Adapun Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan antara pasar tradisional zaman dahulu dan sekarang mulai dari segi jenis dagangan, peran pasar, bentuk interaksi, dan sistem rotasi pasar. Dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh revitalisasi yaitu dari segi bangunan menjadi lebih bagus, lebih bersih, tidak becek lagi jika hujan, tetapi dari segi pendapatan, tidak semua pasar mengalami peningkatan setelah direvitalisasi. Untuk standar penataan pasar tradisional yang direvitalisasi dari SNI Pasar Rakyat, masih ada beberapa hal yang harus diperbarui dan ditambahkan, karena masih belum sesuai jika diimplementasikan di lapangan dan masih ada beberapa standar yang belum disebutkan di dalam SNI tersebut, yaitu tentang standar lebar lorong di dalam pasar tradisional, tipikal dan jumlah lantai bangunan, penataan dan pengelolaan fasilitas, peningkatan aksesibilitas, penataan pedagang lesehan, dan sistem penarikan retribusi. Untuk itu pada penelitian ini diberikan rekomendasi teknis dan manajemen untuk standar dalam penataan dan pengelolaan pasar tradisional yang direvitalisasi
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